Splash Sports is not currently available in all US states and Canadian provinces. Please check “Where Can I Play” for up to date information and announcements about new state launches.
You must be 21 years of age or older to participate in Arizona and Massachusetts, 19 or older in Alabama and Nebraska, and 18 in all other states.
Splash Sports Tiers, Salary Cap and One and Done Fantasy Contests are not available in the following jurisdictions:
Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Washington
Splash Sports QuickPicks Fantasy Contests are not available in the following jurisdictions:
Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Washington
Splash Sports Pick’em contests are not available in the following jurisdictions:
Arizona, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Quebec, Tennessee and Washington
Splash Sports Survivor contests are not available in the following jurisdictions:
Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Quebec, Tennessee and Washington
B. One Account Per User
You may establish, maintain, use and control only one account on Splash Sports. Each account on Splash Sports may only be owned, maintained, used and controlled by one individual. For the avoidance of doubt, users may not “co-own” accounts on this site. In the event Splash Sports determines that you have opened, maintained, used or controlled more than one account, in addition to any other rights that Splash Sports may have, Splash Sports reserves the right to suspend or terminate any or all of your accounts and terminate, withhold or revoke the awarding of any prizes.
Splash Sports offers various contests for users of all skill levels and wants users of similar skill and experience to have as much fun as very experienced users. For that reason, Splash Sports has a user rating and identification system, and restricts some contests to just beginners or to just experienced users.
A “beginner” user is a user who has played in 50 or less public or private contests on the Splash Sports site and has met none of the winnings requirements for experienced or highly experienced players. An “experienced” user is a user who has played in between 51 and 999 public or private contests on the Splash Sports site and has met none of the winnings requirements for experienced or highly experienced players. Experienced users shall be identified with a clearly marked badge next to their username. A “highly experienced” user is a user who has played in 1,000 or more public or private contests on the Splash Sports site or has won $1,000 or more in three or more separate Splash Sports contests. Highly experienced users shall be identified with a clearly marked badge next to their username.
Splash Sports will offer “beginner users only" public contests, which will be restricted to beginner users only, for each of its fantasy game types. No experienced user or highly experienced user will be allowed to enter a “beginner user only” public contest. Approximately 3% of all Splash Sports public contests will be restricted to beginner users only and another 2% of public contests will be restricted to beginner and experienced users only. Splash Sports will notify new and beginner users of low cost and beginner-only contests, including suggesting both public and private beginner-only contests for them to join.
All other public contests shall be open to experienced, highly experienced, and beginner users, with the latter receiving notification and requiring acknowledgement of the participation of experienced users in that contest. Private contests on Splash Sports shall be open to beginner, experienced, and highly experienced users. Similar to the public contests, prior to entering a private contest that may include experienced users, each beginner user will be able to visually see the presence of any experienced or highly experienced user via an icon next to their Splash Sports name.
Splash Sports uses official league statistics provided by Sportradar and Rotowire and only includes statistics from sporting events the relevant league deems to be official.
We endeavor to promptly settle contests and distribute prizes, but it is also important to us to make sure we do so accurately. On a weekly basis, final scores will be confirmed within 72 hours after the final game for that week is played. Normally, any scoring changes or stat corrections provided by our partners after a contest has ended and Splash Sports has settled the contest will not impact the already-settled contest. However, Splash Sports reserves the right in its sole discretion to revise scores after they are released in the unlikely event of potential scoring error by a provider or Splash Sports. In those circumstances, the contest results may be altered, and payments may be reversed and redone, based on the correction.
If a league declares a game "postponed" or "suspended," then the statistics generated in the sporting event before that point will count toward the contest. Any statistics generated when the sporting event takes place or resumes will count only if it occurs before the relevant contest period closes.
Player positions are determined at the sole discretion of Splash Sports. Lineups must include players from at least two different teams.
Splash Sports does not offer contests with pre-selected lineups.
Unless otherwise posted in the contest rules, any public and private contest entrants that tie will evenly split the combined prize allocation for the finishing spots they occupy. For example, if two entrants tie for first place, those two entrants would evenly split the combined prize for first and second. If four entrants tie for second place, they would evenly split the combined prize for second, third, fourth, and fifth place.
Although Splash Sports offers multiple entry contests, all contests have specified limitations on the maximum number of entries a single player may submit. See the specific contest entry description for the described multiple entry limitations. The following restrictions are always in effect for any Splash Sports contest: In contests involving 12 total entries or fewer, Users are restricted to 1 entry per User. In contests involving 13-36 (thirteen to sixteen) total entries, Users are restricted to 2 entries per User. In contests involving 37-100 total entries, Users are restricted to 3 entries per User. In contests involving more than 100 entries, Users are restricted to 3% of all entries or 150 entries, whichever is lesser of value. These multiple entry limitations are set restrictions on the intended number of total entries at the time of contest creation.
All Splash Sports contests lock when the first game of the contest slate starts and no more entries or lineup changes may be made at that time. For weekly contests in which Thursday Night Football games are part of the slate but not required to complete an entry, entries may be allowed until Sunday at 1pm ET.
Once a contest has been filled, users may not cancel their entries, i.e., withdraw from the contest and receive a refund of their entry fee. For contests that have not yet been filled, users may cancel entries up to 15 minutes prior to game start. If you timely cancel an entry, your entry fee will be refunded back into your Splash Sports account. Splash Sports has no obligation to honor cancellation requests received within 15 minutes of or after game start.
After each contest ends, the tentative winners are announced but remain subject to final verification. The players in each contest who accumulate the most fantasy points and comply with eligibility requirements and applicable rules will win prizes as set out in the contest details. Prizes are added to the winning player’s account balance. In the event of a tie, the prize is divided evenly between the tied players, unless otherwise specified.
Splash Sports offers a number of different types of contests. For each contest, we announce the entry fees and prizes in advance on the contest page. A list of all currently open contests, along with entry fees and prizes, can be found in the main lobby of the Site.
Prizes will only be awarded if a Contest is run. We reserve the right to cancel contests at any time. In the event of a cancellation, all entry fees will be refunded to the customer except as specifically provided in these Terms.
Guaranteed prizes are offered in connection with some of the contests offered by the Site. Each contest or promotion is governed by its own set of official rules. We encourage you to read each contest rules and promotions before participating.
Prize calculations are based on the results as of the time when final scoring is tabulated by Splash Sports. Once winners are announced by Splash Sports, the scoring results will not be changed, despite any official adjustments made by the professional leagues. However, Splash Sports reserves the right to make adjustments based on errors or irregularities in the transmission of information to us from our stats provider or in our calculation of results. We also may make adjustments in the event of noncompliance with the Terms. Splash Sports has no obligation to delay the awarding of a prize in anticipation of any adjustment and we reserve the right to reverse payments in the event of any adjustment. You agree to cooperate with our efforts to reverse payments.
No substitution or transfer of a prize is permitted. All taxes associated with the receipt or use of any prize are the sole responsibility of the winner. In the event that the awarding of any prizes to winners of the Contest is challenged by any legal authority, Splash Sports reserves the right in its sole discretion to determine whether or not to award or adjust such prizes. In all disputes arising out of the determination of the winner of Splash Sports contests, Splash Sports is the sole judge and its actions are final and binding.
Free Roll contests are contests with no entry fee. Users are able to enter these contests for free, and the contest will run with a guaranteed prize pool. Each free contest is governed by its own set of official rules. Please read the contest's rules before participating.
Resizing allows your private Splash Sports contest to run for a prize even if it isn't 100% filled. A private contest will be automatically resized if the number of entries is greater than the number of prize spots. If the number of entries is less than the number of prize spots and the contest does not fill (to 100%), it will run for free and all entrants will be refunded their entry fee. Note: Public contests will NOT be resized.
In the event that a game is canceled or postponed and rescheduled to a time within the original scoring period for the contest and this change is made less than 24 hours before a game’s official start time, the game will be included in the contest and players listed to play in that game will be eligible to accrue points. This includes partially-played games, i.e. games canceled after they have started.
If a game is rescheduled for a time outside the original scoring period for the contest and this change is made less than 24 hours before a game official start time, the game will be disabled from the contest and players listed to play in that game will not be eligible to accrue points. Players whom you have selected for your roster as of the time of the lock of the disabled game will remain in your roster and will accrue zero points. Players in disabled games will become locked at the originally scheduled start time of their game.
The original scoring period for NFL is defined as the timeframe between the scheduled start of the first game within the contest and 11:59 pm ET on the first Wednesday after the last scheduled game within the contest. In the event that a game is canceled or postponed & rescheduled to any time (both outside & within the original scoring period) and this change is made more than 24 hours before the game’s scheduled start, it is at the sole discretion of Splash Sports to include or remove the game from that given contest.
In the event a game is postponed, Splash Sports will make a decision no later than 11:59pm ET of the day of the game on how to handle the postponed game.
Splash Sports may choose to adjust the scoring period for a contest at their sole discretion to accommodate schedule changes to any time before 12:00 am ET on the day after the Game Set is scheduled.
Any games that are disabled will be indicated as such on the contest description page. Emails and other notifications may also be used to notify users of disabled games.
If canceled or rescheduled games result in a contest including only one active game and this is known before the contest start time then that contest will be canceled and refunded. If a contest includes only one active game but this was not known until after the contest start time then contests for this Game Set will not be canceled.
Games are known to be canceled or postponed once their status is updated as such by Splash Sports’ NFL stats-provider, Sportradar.
If canceled or rescheduled games result in a contest including zero active games, all contests for that Game Set will be canceled and refunded.
Splash Sports uses official NFL statistics and only includes statistics from games that the NFL deems to be official. If the NFL declares a game “suspended” then the statistics generated before the game is suspended will count in contests containing said game. Any statistics generated on a later date when the game resumes will not be included.
Prior to competing in a contest, Splash Sports provides the following information to Users regarding contest operations and establishing an account:
1. Name of the contest & contest ID number
2. Contest start date & time and end date & time
3. Sport(s) involved in the contest
4. Available roster size
6. Salary cap
7. Prize(s)
8. Contest Rules
Splash Sports offers contests for professional sports events that may take place on a single day, over multiple days, one week, several weeks or for an entire season.
Splash Sports employees are prohibited from participating in any Splash Sports public contests. Splash Sports employees may participate in private contests where not prohibited by law and can be distinguished by their usernames, all of which start with “splash-”.
Descriptions of all Splash Sports Fantasy Contest Offerings are available here.
Descriptions of all Splash Sports Survivor and PickX Contest Offerings are available here.